Daily Announcements

Last Day of School Reminders

The last day of school is Thursday, May 23 with an 11am dismissal. We wish all our SPSL families a wonderful and relaxing summer!


Dr. Sepich's Going Away Party

Families, teachers, and staff are invited!


Summer Office Hours

The SPSL School Office Hours for Summer 2024 will be:
Mon-Thurs 9am-2pm
Fri: 9am-12pm
The office will be closed on federal holidays AND from July 1 – July 19 for campus upgrades.

St. Pius X Parish Festival

The St. Pius X Parish Festival will be held on Sunday, June 2. This is a really fun day for our parish/school community and we need your help to make it a success! SPSL families are invited to volunteer to work the game booths. Please sign up for a shift here. Many volunteers are needed! Adult family members, grandparents, college students and high schoolers are all welcome to help!

Another way to help is to purchase something from the Amazon Wish List to support the silent auction held at the Festival. You can also make a donation of: tickets to sporting events, plays, or other location activities; gift cards to your favorite local spots; Husker or Creighton apparel, or put a basket together yourself. Please contact Susan Proulx-Herron for more information or with questions at s[email protected].

Our parishes, St. Pius X and St. Leo, provide a significant portion of our school’s budget, so it’s important that school families help in their fundraising efforts. This is the parish’s biggest fundraiser and they are looking to raise $70,000 this year!

Thank you for supporting this important event!

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Volunteers needed for Fall Fundraiser!

We are looking for volunteers to help in various ways with the SPSL Fall Fundraiser on October 19, 2024! Sign up via our Sign-Up Genius to help with things like event set-up and transportation, assembling silent auction baskets, hosting a sign-up party, and more.


Cafeteria volunteers needed!

We need your help in the cafeteria: the link for signing up to volunteer can be found here.  For more information, see the flyer below.



For more announcements, ‘Like’ us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram (@SPSLomaha)!

Some of our classrooms also have Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook accounts so you can keep up to date on grade specific activities.